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As you may already know, the Otsuka Health Solutions team are now part of Holmusk so we’ve got a new website. Our team members and the MaST products and services otherwise remain the same.

Our Solution

MaST supports mental health services by:

  • Providing valuable insights to promote mental and physical health, and preventing ill health
  • Supporting delivery of proactive reviews for all patients on Community Mental Health Teams’ caseloads
  • Helping more people get early support to help avert admission to hospital

The Solution

MaST is an intelligent analytics platform that analyses multiple data sources to predict people's likelihood of requiring crisis care, enabling clinicians to effectively manage their caseloads

  • MaST builds a model of care based on inclusivity, particularly for people with coexisting needs, with the highest levels of complexity and who experience marginalisation
  • MaST provides a joined-up and representative multi-disciplinary team with the data, information and analytics which inform effective and efficient decision making

The difference we've made

We have helped Trusts:

  • Improve caseload management and allocation of resources, identifying people who may be at greatest risk of using crisis services and improving patient flow
  • Gain insight into the Risk of Crisis and Complexity by combining the information in a range of electronic health and social care records through MaST
  • Identify, prioritise and contact vulnerable service users with information from different systems, organisations and staff, ensuring it’s comprehensive, systematic and coordinated

Customer Stories

1. Improving Caseload Management and Flow in Community Mental Health Teams

Find out how MaST was used to help transform Mersey Care’s Community Mental Health Team and delivered an overall reduction in caseload sizes, improved discharge management, improved compliance and an overall reduction in new crises.

Case Study Front Cover
Case Study Front Cover

2. Stepping down and moving on

A case study for the use of MaST in Community Mental Health Teams.

Find out how MaST helped Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust help the Community Mental Health Team prioritise safely and focus on meaningful interventions to ensure service users were getting the appropriate level of care.  MaST was used to help the clinic specifically assess service users’ readiness for safe ‘step down’.

3. Integrating Community data through using MaST COVID-19 in Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust

Find out how MaST was adapted at the beginning of the 2020 COVID19 pandemic to integrate community data.  In collaboration with Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust we created a COVID-19 version of MaST. This update enabled staff to identify, intervene and ensure the safety of their most vulnerable service users, assessing whether a change in care would be needed during this turbulent time.

Case Study Front Cover

Working together

  1. We will work together with you to understand your local priorities and develop MaST functions to support the national transformation agenda in line with The Community Mental Health Framework for Adults and Older Adults
  2. We'll provide a report in Phase 1 to review the performance of the algorithm on your data and generate early insights
  3. Working closely with front line teams enables us to support the launch in selected pilot sites before scaling up across multiple teams, using easily accessible and interactive training methods
  4. Generating reports to monitor uptake and impact helps support the project team during implementation
  5. We’ll work closely with you to transition to a ‘business as usual’ state where MaST is embedded in normal ways of working



  1. We have a strong focus on Information, Security and Governance through application of the ISO27001 framework and completing an annual submission to the NHS Digital Data Security and Protection Toolkit (formerly the NHS Digital Information Governance Toolkit)
  2. We have a dedicated Clinical Safety Officer who ensures compliance with the DCB0129 standards on Clinical Risk Management for Health IT systems

Certificate Number 11464